Loving energy brought our fish back to life

Loving energy brought our fish back to life…

The title sounds crazy, like one of those supernatural experience stories that you’ll find in a spiritual magazine. But it honestly is as literal as it sounds.

So here’s how it went…

Me and my mum came home after a nice, relaxing evening out to find that one of my brothers had cleaned the fish tank, which is so unusual but great! He hadn’t put the fish back into the tank because he was waiting for the water to warm up, as it was freezing cold. Without knowing this CRUCIAL PIECE OF INFORMATION, my mum put the fish back into the tank. But before we knew it, they began struggling to breath and swim. They were dying. I didn’t know what to do, I felt so helpless and scared that my initial reaction was to shout, “someone do something!” over and over again. I was beginning to cry out of frustration while my mum was shouting at my brother, blaming him for filling the tank up with cold water, and him blaming her for putting the fish back into the water assuming it was ready. It was mental. It felt like a lifetime but it was only a few seconds. The fish were fighting so hard to stay alive, until one of them stopped fighting and slowly floated to the top. It was heartbreaking. By then my other brother grabbed the fish net and put both fishes back into the bowl of warm water that they were previously in.


I rushed to the bowl to check if they were okay, only to find that just one had survived. The other fish had definitely died. I gently touched it a few times to be sure, but nothing. Not a single movement. We were all so sad but also in disbelief. I’m pretty sure we thought that it was going to come back to life. My brother, the only one that had the brains and the composure to take the fish out of the tank in the moment, was genuinely worried. I mean, we were all devastated, but there was something about his energy that made me feel like he cared a lot more than all of us did. He had so much compassion and to be completely honest, it was the first time I had seen that side to him that deeply. 


As he sat down next to the bowl, he went to stroke the fish that had died, as if to comfort it. I had just accepted that it was gone and was trying to find the strength to get up to flush it down the toilet. But, the second my brothers finger touched its skin, the fish flinched. Like it had woken up from a deep sleep. The more he touched it, the more it somehow began to find the strength to move and eventually swim again. We all jumped in shock and relief, questioning what we had witnessed. I knew about the power of energy and had read stories where things like this was possible, so I was able to recognise what had happened straight away.


The love, the concern, the sadness, the courage that my brother had, along with the urge to help those fish survive, all built up until it became pure, loving energy. With that energy, he was able to bring our fish back to life without even meaning to. The craziest part of it all is, the fish that didn’t die, ended up dying a few months after, and the fish that my brother brought back to life, still lives. It’s been over a year now. He’s not in our home any more but we’ve been told he’s healthy and happy.


It was the most powerful thing I’ve witnessed ’til this day. Because it was evident that love has the power to save anything. Something as simple as a feeling, a gesture, a touch, can make such an impact. Us as humans are more powerful than any other living being. This experience proved it. We have so much spiritual strength that it’s near enough impossible to find it all in one lifetime. But it’s there, whether we feel it or not. Whether we believe it or not. We have the power to save the world, to save our animals, to save each other…if we really wanted to. And how? The answer is love. Only love.


Choosing your crystals x



Go to one of those cute spiritual shops or stalls that sell crystals. Choose a few that you are attracted to. It could be their colour that stands out to you; it could be their shape or size. You might even get this magnetic force drawing you to them. Don’t think about it. Just pick a few. I choose mine by the colour that I feel most attracted to. Colour is energy!!! So don’t deny your choice just because you think that choosing one by its colour is silly. Every crystal has their own benefits, energies and meanings to them, so when you do choose, ask whoever is working there to tell you what the crystals you chose helps with. You’ll find that it’s probably the ones that relate to your current situations and feelings the most.



Go home and cleanse your crystals. You could run them under cold water, put them on your window seal on a full moon, leave them in your garden on the grass so that nature can ground and reenergize them, or cleanse them in the rain. You could even hold them in your hands, one by one, and let them directly feel you energy, visualize yourself connecting with your crystal. I would actually visualise it being my friend, I would think of love, trust and acceptance when holding it.



Find a place for them. Put them anywhere you feel that they should go. I keep three next to my bed and two on my window seal. Leave them for a week or two so that they can get used to you and your surroundings and energy.



So now, if you want, you can dedicate a crystal to help you with whatever you need guidance and support on – Romance, abundance, positivity, connecting with your spirit guides, angels and subconscious, compassion, protection, communication and confidence, etc.

To do this, lay your crystals in front of you. They say you should light an incense stick or burn some cinnamon to help with this, but you really just need to be in a quiet atmosphere and relaxed state of mind. Close your eyes, or open, whatever suits YOU. Tell yourself that you’re going to choose a crystal for a certain thing, for example, love. Then, choose the first crystal that you feel drawn to when you think of love. Hold it in your hand and tell it that from now on, it will be the crystal for love. You will take it with you when you meet someone for the first time, for a little support. You will have it in your pocket for a little bit of luck. Tell it what you want from it and how it can help you. Again, visualise it being a friend that will guide you through any thing to do with love and romance. It might take a little time for it to work; it depends on how much you trust in your crystals energy. People that don’t believe that they work will not experience the magic of it at all. But that’s like everything really isn’t it?

Hope this helps 🙂


Crystal power

Yesterday, I randomly began reading a book (that my lovely cousin gave me as a birthday present) about how to use crystals. It was random because I was in the middle of cleaning my room, it was a bloody mess, I was so hot and so focused on cleaning, yet I somehow found the urge to stop right in the middle of what I was cleaning to pick out this book.

Any way, I found out that you could actually choose a crystal to help with dreaming. This was amazing news for me because I’m so fascinated with my dreams, they are so vivid and meaningful, and most of the time, I wake up feeling so disoriented because I feel like I really lived it. I also have a dream journal where I write down most of my dreams. I look back at it every now and then only to find out that some dreams were warnings, inner emotions that needed healing, past relatives visiting me, or visions of my future and past life. My dreams help me feel connected to everything, my soul, my subconscious, spirituality etc. It is a massive part of me. I’m not so good at reading the signs in my waking life, I mean, I can identify them, but I find it hard to act on them. I’m the type of person that has to SEE something in order to take action on it, because I always doubt my intuition. So, I guess that’s the reason why I rely so much on my dreams and what my subconscious has to tell me, because I can SEE it. It is real.

But recently I haven’t dreamt as much. It’s probably because I’ve been so busy and haven’t given myself or spirituality much thought. Actually, I haven’t focused on it for a few months now (defo not a good thing, I know). As weird as this might sound, I feel disconnected with my soul when I don’t dream.

That night, as I felt myself about to fall asleep, I remembered what I had read in that crystal book. So I looked at my amethyst which is always beside me when I sleep, and said in my head, “help me to dream tonight, show me my next step in life, let it be a sign of something I truly desire.”

Obviously, I had a dream that night…

I was in Cyprus, walking along the beach with my Nan…I said to her “I could live here, I could do it on my own and feel absolutely fine. I feel confident, I feel alive.” I remember thinking how much I missed the warmth, the sun, the sea and the relaxing atmosphere of somewhere that is not London. I felt so content. I felt happy. It was a realisation. 

It’s funny because I’ve been torn between two paths. One is to officially build my vegan dessert business up and dedicate all of my time to it. The other is to move abroad to work as a live in nanny, or in a primary school teaching English. My reason to go abroad is because, just like my dream, I really do miss the sun. I need to escape. I need to feel free again. I need to find myself again…and this might just be my calling to do so. But I stop myself from doing it ALL the time, because I don’t feel confident enough to get up and go for it, on my own.

The choice between the two is killing me. I can’t even imagine choosing, because I’m passionate about both. But, my dream revealed what my soul really wants. My soul spoke to me in my dream; it told me I could do it. It told me that I would be fine. I woke up that morning feeling so good, feeling a little more confident with the idea of moving abroad. I mean, It doesn’t help me make my decision, but I’m very much aware of it now. I trust that an opportunity will present itself when the time is right.

I completely forgot that I spoke to my crystal last night. I smiled as I remembered. I smiled because I’ve found the crystal that will enhance my dreams. Truthfully, I didn’t expect it to work. But it did, wohoo! This stuff works.

Keep an eye out for my next post! It’s a step to step on how to use your crystals.



Tonight, I came home from being out the entire day, went straight to my mum, and asked her, “why is it that I can be so close to doing something, I get so excited that I’m about to do it, but it never ends up happening?” I was so down. So disappointed with so many things at the time. So I went to my room, picked up a book and started reading, in hope that it would make me feel a little better.

10 minutes later, my mum rushed into my room, as if she had just remembered something and HAD to tell me before she forgot it, and said…”maybe it’s not happening just yet, and with the people who you want it to be happening with, because there is better waiting for you.”

We both looked at each other for a few seconds just smiling.

Maybe that’s true?

True or not, I needed that. My mums not one to give all that spiritual, out of the box advice, she’s normally a ‘get on with it and do what you gotta do’ kind of person, so this was quite powerful. Like a slap in the face, wake the flip up moment.

I have been wanting to do certain things for so long now, and have had multiple opportunities to do them, but something always gets in the way. Either my intuition tells me it’s not right, or someone let’s me down. But, like everyone in this world, my life lessons are always learnt through the most uncomfortable moments of my life. The moments when I am the most lost and confused.

The universe is forever teaching me patience and how to trust that when things are right for me, when the timing is also right, those things will become easier to reach. Easier to understand. Easier to accomplish. I lost sight of that. My mum, through those few words, opened my eyes again.

Things happen when they are supposed to happen. It might even take YEARS for what you want, to become available to you. Sometimes things might not happen the way that you thought it would, because you are supposed to be doing something other than what you expected. Sometimes you don’t end up being with the people you imagined, because you deserve better. Sometimes, you don’t get that job you wanted because, again, you deserve better. Whatever it is, what ever the obstacles are that may be blocking you from reaching your dreams and plans, let them be there. They are there for a purpose that you will only understand once they are no longer there.

It’s so important that we stay positive and never doubt ourselves in these moments of confusion. You can listen to all the advice that you are given, but only you, your higher self and your inner wisdom, knows the true answer. Even if the answer is simply, to wait.

Love only

You may think you know what it is that you want in life. But when it’s all said and done and you’re about to take your last breath, the only thing that will truly matter is love. And always will be love ❤️

Yet ego and pride are here to try and test you, to try and break you from your connection to love. They somehow convince you that it’s not important, that cars, money, looks, everything else matters more. It doesn’t. Those things don’t stay with you when you leave this earth. But your soul will always remember love. The love that you gave and the love that you received.

Never give up on it. Fight for it. Find love in everything that you do, everyone that you meet and everywhere that you go. Find love by seeing that we are all one. By opening your heart.

It can be so tiring when you put love into the wrong things and try to find it with the wrong people, but keep going because there are lessons that need to be learnt. And when you do finally learn…love will find YOU! You won’t have to search anymore.

Goodnight everyone x

Moment of realisation

I know it’s late but I feel like I have to give this to you tonight. I feel so open, I feel so emotional and honestly, I can’t control my tears. But they are not sad tears. They are tears coming from the realisation that everything is just the way it’s supposed to be. I feel pure happiness and love right this second. I know this feeling is super real because it always hits me after a long period of sadness and confusion. I feel content within myself. I feel content for all of you. I want to cry because I know we are all going to be alright. It’s probably the full moon, she’s shedding a little light, a little hope into most of our lives this evening. Even if it’s something as small as a thought.

I am so determined to write today, I haven’t been in ages because I’ve honestly felt so lost. I’ve felt as if I had no right to write something inspirational, full of self realisation and faith, when I’ve actually been feeling the complete opposite. I doubted myself. I read through my previous posts and thought ‘who am I to give this advice to people, when I cannot take it myself. Who am I to spread so much light and positivity, when I’m so consumed in my sadness.‘ So I stopped myself from writing so many times. Seriously, you should see how many drafts I have, unfinished, just words with no truth. I stopped trying to persuade myself that I’m okay and that we all have nothing to worry about, I kind of gave up.

I’ve been a wreck for almost the whole of november, up until a few hours ago. Everything felt so heavy on my mind, the negative thoughts, the anxiety I got from thinking that I may not be doing the right thing, that there is so much more to my life than this, how on earth am I able to move on from this feeling, what is my next step? All those thoughts were weighing me down, I struggled so much to release them. I forced myself to do yoga, but that did not help. In fact, I actually felt worse because I couldn’t concentrate, I couldn’t do any of my balances and even cried after the session because I felt so hopeless. I tried reading, which normally calms my mind, but that didn’t help either. I couldn’t even force myself to go to the gym, because my body was completely drained. I put on a film, but was too restless and tired that I turned it off half way through (SO unlike me). But it turns out that I done all of those things because I thought they were what I needed at the time, not because I really wanted to do them. I wasn’t listening to my body, to my soul. Looking back now, all they were telling me to do was… nothing. Do nothing, rest and be still. But no, I fought with them, for ages.

Today, early afternoon, I had this urge to go for a walk, somewhere surrounded by trees and grass, pure nature. I had the urge to breathe in the cold air and watch the birds fly. I get this feeling quite a lot, but often ignore it because, lets face it, it’s freezing cold and when the urge hits you at 11.30 in the evening, it’s a bit weird to go off on your own in the middle of a forest just for a walk. And also impossible to find someone who will do it with you. But I couldn’t ignore it today. I met up with my cousin, we took a walk, we stood at the highest point of a hill and started to exchange feelings. I remember saying that I surrender to the universe. I remember having this sudden thought that maybe, just maybe, I am going through all of this because it is preparing me for what I have asked for. Love. PURE love. That is what I want. Maybe, all of my struggles and pain, family situations, doubt, maybe all of it is happening so that when it comes down to it, I will know how to acknowledge love, I will know when it’s real, and I will know how to handle it. Talking out loud helps a lot. I found that whilst doing so, my worries didn’t seem so important any more. That’s all they were, worries. Not real problems, but just worries that my mind has been collecting over time. I felt really grounded and was able to push those horrible, heavy thoughts away. In fact, it took some time for me to remember what they were, they were so light, almost gone. Just like that, my negative feelings released. Just by taking that one little step and listening to what my soul was telling me to do.

My point is, sometimes, what you think you need might be the wrong thing. What you think will make you feel better, often doesn’t. What you think you should be doing, might actually make you feel worse. So, go with your feelings. Forget your logical mind. Forget what the world says that you should do when you feel down and unable to find a reason to be happy. Go with what your heart is telling you to do. No matter how crazy it is, find someone to do it with if you need to and GO FOR IT, because I believe that the feelings from your heart are really just translations of the words from your soul. Whatever you feel, you must trust. And what ever it tells you, you must listen. It will always be right in the moment. The moment is all that matters. Surrender yourself to life, trust it and know that timing is everything. It is okay to do nothing, sometimes the most important thing that you have yet to learn happens through stillness. Quiet your mind and take a step back.

I know things are tough, really tough, but I swear there will ALWAYS be something that comes into your life that will brighten your day, that will make you smile when you’re in the worst mood. There will always be that little bit of love that the universe will send you, just to keep you going, just to show you it’s all worth it, to give your life a little purpose for the moment. What you do with that and how you interpret it, is completely down to you. But look out for those little things.

I hope it get better for all of you, I am sure it will. For those of you who are already experiencing better, I am happy for you and only hope that you appreciate all that you have x

Letting go of the hate!

Okay maybe hate is a really strong word but when it comes down to how badly you’ve been treated then I suppose hating it is understandably normal.

Doesn’t it stress you out when you’re in bed, awake, WIDE awake late at night, thinking about all of the things that you’ve been through, and all of the people who have wronged you! You over think it. You start hating what they done to you more than when they actually done it, because it hits you, that they never actually realised how much it affected you? Don’t you hate knowing that no matter how much you think about it, it will not change anything?

I was actually the worst person when it came to this way of thinking. I would wind myself up so much. The main thing that got to me, was knowing that I hadn’t received an apology from those people who hurt me. It would have meant so much to me, they could have given me a decent reason for doing for they had done and a genuine apology for it. But nope. It angered me even more knowing that would NEVER happen. So I was always in battle with my thoughts. I would feel so drained and tense after thinking about it. I could literally feel what it was doing to my inner peace, my body…my heart!

I came to the conclusion that it doesn’t actually matter, none of it matters anymore. I began to understand that I don’t need an apology for any of it because it will not change what had happened. I realised that what I truly needed was to move on from it, and the only way to move on was to forgive! Forgive them. Forgive myself. So I slowly, and I mean slooooowly, attempted to start forgiving. I told the universe I was ready to move on from everything so that it could never bother me again, and that I would accept anything it put in my life that would help me on my journey of letting go. Funnily enough, these people actually came back into my life afterwards, by a text message and a few encounters. I knew it was time for forgiveness to happen so I went a long with it. The universe heard me.

It was tough, because those people brought back hurtful memories. It was even harder seeing that they still weren’t guilty or sorry AT ALL. In the end (a long time after) I chose to accept all of it. I’ve probably mentioned this in my other posts, but when there is acceptance, there is change. Good change. I trained myself to let go of the hate. I’d lay awake at night to find myself thinking about it, but instead of giving those thoughts power, which meant I would stay awake for hours still thinking about it, I decided to push them away. Literally. I visualised myself grabbing my thoughts and throwing them away. I FORCED myself to stop thinking about it. It was really hard. I felt like I was fighting with two different sides of me. Sounds really weird, but after weeks of doing this, my mind slowly got used to not thinking about it. Every now and again, I lay awake and think about how happy I am with myself for doing that. For actually sticking to my word and not giving in to my negative and hateful thoughts towards my past. There’s always something (loads of things actually) that keep me up. But I’m proud to say it’s not the past!

Even something as small as your regrets, decisions and actions you’ve made, or the arguments with family and friends, or those sly comments from the people you work with. Or even work itself. Just let it all go. What is the point of letting these things wind you up? There are things we have no control over. The only thing we can control, is our reaction to them and how much power we really give them.

So, aim to be so full of love and light that there is no room for hate and darkness. Let the love within you be so strong that it overrides any kind of tension you feel in your heart and mind.

Remember, none of it matters anymore.


Is it over thinking OR is it your intuition?

Do you know how many times I have had people mistake my gut feelings for negativity? TOO MANY TIMES, to the point where I actually begin to feel that I really am just being negative. I question where those stupid thoughts came from in the first place. Is it my past? Is it my fears? Am I just over-thinking? And yes. Some times it is just negativity. But this isn’t about those times. This is about the other times, the times where you are absolutely right to feel the way you do and to think the thoughts you try your hardest not to.

I have had people argue with me and question me for ‘expecting’ that they would do something wrong, because in that moment they had no idea they would do something like that. But they do end up doing it and then blame me for putting ‘negative energy’ out there… apparently I made that happen? Yh right. Don’t get me wrong I believe in energy and that sometimes thinking negatively can actually jeopardize a certain situation. However I also strongly believe that if something is supposed to happen, thinking negatively and letting out that dark energy would make no difference what so ever. Oh, and most importantly, having a negative outlook on a certain person will not MAKE them do something hurtful. They will do it because they have it in them to do it. That is not on you. If it is in your path, you will experience it. The same way that thinking positively about a situation doesn’t necessarily mean that it will happen. Our minds are strong but mother nature has her ways of working…there are parts of our lives that we have no control over.

This is the one thing I know nearly all of us have experienced, so I suppose you will connect with it and start to understand intuition even more…

Have you ever had a strong feeling that your partner was cheating on you? The sudden thought hits you so forcefully that you feel sick to your stomach, you can’t shake off the feeling. It feels so real! So you confront them and ask them if they have been. They then get so defensive and start making you feel stupid, blaming it on your trust issues and calling you insecure. Have you then felt bad for ‘assuming‘ that they could do such a thing and you tell yourself that they would never do that to you? The same feelings pop up a few months after, you go through the cycle again, but this time, you find that THEY HAVE BEEN!! the entire time. BUT YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO YOURSELF. You ignored yourself and you allowed yourself to be manipulated. You confused your intuition with your insecurities and fears. Most importantly, you allowed someone other than yourself to do that to you.

I say this to EVERYONE, including myself, that when you get a feeling that something is wrong, that someone is being unfaithful. They most probably are. You can tell your intuition apart from your fear by the way it feels, it will feel real. It will make you feel uneasy or the complete opposite – fill you with happiness. Just a few seconds pure happiness, or pure hurt and sadness. It will hit you suddenly, out of absolute nowhere. It is like knowledge that you’ve gained and can never forget no matter how hard you try to. It will linger with you for days, weeks, monthhsss…however long it takes until you acknowledge that it is the truth.

Apply this to EVERYTHING in life. To finding a job, to finding a holiday destination, to a decision that you need to make.

I test my intuition all the time when I am driving. I take two routes to go to work, most of the time I will take only one. So I ask myself, ‘Shall I take this route, or the other one? Will I find traffic this way?’ and I go with my initial thought. Sometimes I ignore my initial thought because at the time I think I am over thinking, only to find that I was right to want to originally take the first route, because I end up being stuck in bloody traffic… FOR AGES! Other times, taking an alternative route doesn’t even cross my mind, that is my confirmation that I am fine with the route I am on. It seems quite weird, but I’ve gotten to really understand how intuition works just a little more by doing this. Try it 🙂

If you have an immediate thought that something will not turn out as you expect it to, or you think you should or shouldn’t do something for whatever reason. Or you feel deep in your gut that someone is not who they portray they are. Or even if someone is worth it!! BELIEVE YOURSELF. You are not being negative, you are not over thinking. Don’t listen to the shit people tell you. It is your intuition, your higher self, your psychic self, that is giving you this information. NOT your fear and not your hopes. You have to learn the difference. Most of time, you will push your thoughts to the back of your mind because you want to give someone a chance, or because you think you are just reflecting your past hurt on your current situation, or you are just being fussy or hopeful, or scared that the time might not be right. Ignore all of it. Go with your initial thought and do not let anyone persuade you otherwise.


Love your past 

You never really know how much your past has affected you or even if it has affected you at all. But it does and it has, it is the way you talk, your mindset, the change in you, your actions, your goals. Your past shapes your entire present life, both positively and negatively. I suppose you would only truly understand just how much, if you are going through some kind of self growth and awareness. The ego will always ignore its past.

I used to have this one person in my life who wasn’t interested in hearing anything I had to say about my past. He told me that the past was over, that it was irrelevant and pointless to talk about. Well, that is not true. Firstly the past is very important, it’s healthy to talk about it and reflect on it every now and then. At the end of the day, it is what has made you into the person you are today, so in order for someone to really love and understand you, they also need to love and understand your past. If you ever come across those people who do tell you to forget the past and completely avoid talking about it, it is only because they are trying to avoid their own past. They are either too hurt or too ashamed of it.

I kept a diary from 2006 to 2014. I loved writing in it, mostly because I could express my emotions freely. It was like my secret treasure, I valued it so much and was so pleased that I had something to look back on in the future. I looked back at it about a year ago and found myself crying. I cried because I couldn’t believe how naive and foolish I was. It was all so negative. I felt so ashamed of my past and the stupid situations I’d put myself in, which only led to emotional pain. I couldn’t believe that I was still putting myself in the same situations as I did when I was 13 years old. I was angry at myself for not learning, for allowing myself to be treated the same way for years and yeeeeears. For not loving myself and for not putting myself first. This was definitely a very important self realisation moment for me.

My friend came round just as I was about to shred my diary to pieces, I just didn’t want to be reminded of who I was and all the pain I put myself through. I say I put myself through it because I could have had the power to stop it all. I don’t blame those people who hurt me, although they were wrong, it was me who let them do what they had done. At the time, realising this absolutely broke me. But my friend stopped me from shredding it, she told me that it was proof of who I was and that it has made me who I am. She told me it was beautiful and to not be ashamed of it. She was absolutely right. I kept it. From that moment there was a shift of darkness inside me. I felt a huge change. I promised I would change and start being good to myself by only involving myself with people who were also good to me.

Now, my past is a reminder of how much I’ve changed for the better. Now, I look back and feel so proud that I kept my promise. Now, I am learning what it is like to truly love and respect myself.

No matter how hard something might be, DO IT. Do it for yourself. Do it because if you don’t, you will be stuck, you will never change and then 5 years from now, you will find that you are in the same situations, with the same old mindset.

There are things that have happened in my past that are still affecting me, those of which I really did have no control over. Things that my soul and time are trying its hardest to heal. Things that will take much longer than a moment of realisation for me to change, no matter how bad I want it to. But the most important part of it all is being aware. Only when you are aware of it can you try to overcome it. It is all part of our journey.

Use the past as a lesson, write your wrongs, forgive yourself and others. Look at it with love and give yourself some credit. Talk about it whenever you feel like it because the more you do, the more you start realising why things happened the way they did. If you can’t think of parts of your past without getting irritated or upset, or even feeling as if you hated who you were back then, use that as an indication that you need to heal that part of you. Not by putting the blame on others, or yourself, God or the world, but by understanding it and then accepting it. Truly accepting it. Your past is a part of you, you are stuck with it forever, it will never change, it will never leave you, so learn to live with it. Learn to acknowledge and accept it. Find peace in your past. Be so accepting of it that when you think back, you don’t feel sadness or anger, just strength and wisdom. Look back and smile because it has made you who you are in this exact moment. Know that one day this moment will also be your past, so make these moments last, be aware of how you treat yourself and others, live your life so that you don’t look back and regret anything. Take risks and be the best person you can be.


Beautiful message

I’m flying out to morocco on monday and I am so excited. I find everything about this country absolutely stunning, the colours, patterns, architecture, the culture itself! But any way, I’ve had this Marrakech travel guide sitting in my room for about a week, it was given to me by my mum who was given it by one of her gym friends. Last night, whilst tryyyying to pack (I couldn’t do it, it was too overwhelming to pick out outfits and shoes just for a few days) I opened it up and found this message on the first page…

Life is just a momentum

But love makes it infinite!

Life is just a journey 

But love makes it meaningful!

Life is an adventure 

But to share it makes it happy!

How cuteeeeeeee. My heart really understood this. I also really needed something like that to read at the time. Apparently the guy that gave my mum the travel guide has a girlfriend and they are completely in love, as you can tell ↑. She write this to him before going to marrakech together. Random but just thought i’d share this message 🙂

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Have a beautiful day everyone.


The cycle of real change…

I just want to begin by saying THANK GOD this month is nearly over! September woke up a side of myself that I thought was long gone. It woke the darkness up, I had no idea it was still there because I tried to hard to ignore it…

I focused so much on the good for a very long time, which obviously, you are supposed to do, but I forgot the bad existed. I shut the darkness out. So when it forced its way back into my life this month, it surprised me. I questioned it and tried my hardest to fight it. But the truth is, no matter how hard I fight, it doesn’t change the fact that it HAS to happen. It doesn’t change the fact that it is there…

Continue reading “The cycle of real change…”